Wait What, God Designed Sex?

People magazine can put a half-naked woman on the cover of their magazines and claim she wins the most beautiful woman of the year award. Made in His Image says NO, that’s not true beauty. Modesty reveals a woman’s inner beauty for the world to see, while preserving her body for her husband in the holy sacrament of marriage. Our culture has lost this sense of sacredness for the human body and the marital embrace. Yes, you heard right! God Himself designed sex for a husband and wife to bring forth new life into this world, a sacred act reserved for marriage.

There is an exceeding amount of over sexualized behavior and immodesty in our culture. What this world needs is for women to stand up and embrace the beauty of the feminine genius, challenge men to be men of virtue and call society to a higher standard. A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies…charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” – Proverbs 31.

A woman is a mystery, and this is the way God designed her. And when a woman conducts herself in accordance with the way in which God created her, she reflects this beauty and appeal in a unique way.

At the core of every woman is the natural desire for respect. No woman desires to be mistreated, but in reality, when a woman dresses immodestly she is inviting disrespect upon herself. When she dresses in a revealing way, she is inviting others to notice her body, and possibly lust after what they see. But, when a woman dresses modestly she is protecting herself from being used, while concealing the beautiful mystery of her body. A man told me that women would be shocked if they were to enter the head of the average man in a crowded room of immodestly dressed women.

Women, who are the crowning of God’s creation play a unique role in reversing this tragedy. How? By embracing the strengths, essence and authentic value of womanhood. In his letter to women, Pope John Paul II refers to these unique characteristics of women as the feminine genius. What an exceedingly beautiful task we have been given!

In fact, woman has a genius all her own, which is vitally essential to both society and the Church. It is certainly not a question of comparing woman to man, since it is obvious that they have fundamental dimensions and values in common. However, in man and in woman these acquire different strengths, interests and emphases and it is this very diversity which becomes a source of enrichment. – Blessed John Paul II

I don’t know if you know this, but your boobs go inside your shirt.

One time when I was in the library as a student, I overheard several men looking at pornography on their computers. They were laughing and making inappropriate jokes. I told them, you know what, you’re worth more than that. She’s worth more than that.

While I am a very reserved person, not shy, just reserved. I am not afraid to stand up for Truth. I have been told that I have a very soft and gentle voice, and therefore, in a gentle manner, I want to tell you ladies, that just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you have to dress inappropriately. A man told me that women would be shocked if they were to enter the head of the average man in a crowded room of immodestly dressed women.

Another gentleman I know wrote this as his facebook status several days ago. Dear Ladies I know, thank you for your modesty and virtue! My attempt at relaxing in the apartment pool was thwarted by what constitutes as swim wear these days. I’ve clearly been out of the loop because string bikini is now a literal term. A woman’s body is precious and a gift meant for her husband, pray for these poor girls. 

Our society today has lost sight of the quintessential beauty in which God created us, due to selfishness. Our culture is plagued with violation and unrest due to a “hook up” mentality, lack of chastity and self-control, pornography and a genuine lack of respect for the human person. How can we bring our culture back to God’s original design?

Women, in order to do this you must embrace your femininity in a unique way. You were created with a unique purpose and plan and your dignity flows from the Father’s love for you. So, Made in His Image would like to challenge you to dress modestly this summer and at all times. If you have a question about what is considered modest, please do not hesitate to ask.

At the core of modesty is moderation, simplicity and a regard for decency in your behavior and dress. Modesty starts inside a person’s heart and mind. Modesty asks questions, Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? Modesty cherishes the sacredness of the human body in our overly sexualized world. The human body is beautiful and modesty reveals a woman’s inner beauty for the world to see, while preserving her body for her husband in the holy sacrament of marriage.

Ladies, we have been given an exceedingly beautiful task of guarding men’s eyes, minds and hearts. Let us not shirk from this responsibility. Let’s be authentic women!

Mary was not “full of grace” because she was beautiful. She was beautiful because she was full of grace. – Fulton Sheen