About the Founder

Maura was born and raised in northern New Jersey, where she graduated from Seton Hall University. After college she worked for a non-profit organization called Varsity Catholic, which is a subdivision of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). She worked as a Catholic missionary to bring the love of the Gospel to student-athletes on college campuses, since she was a collegiate athlete herself. In 2009, God etched in her heart the desire to one day launch a ministry for women called Made in His Image.

Maura moved to Nashville, TN in July 2010, during which time she worked as a baker and pastry chef. In September 2011, Maura left her job to answer God’s call and officially launch Made in His Image.

Maura has an immense yearning to inspire others to choose to see beauty in their suffering and in the ambiguity of life. It is her desire to use her story, to foster hope and healing in the lives of all she encounters. Maura is dedicated to educating women about their inherent dignity, as daughters of God, created in His image and likeness, along with teaching them about the love of the Father.

Maura is a former Division 1 runner and soccer player. She loves the ocean, surfing, swimming, running, California, anything adventurous, J.crew, gerber daisies, wine, baking, gourmet cooking, and serving the poor and dying in India.

The mission of Made in His Image: To begin a dialogue, a discussion, in a safe and compassionate setting, to foster hope and healing, and to empower women to turn from victim to survivor. Ultimately, to provide holistic medical treatment and healing for women suffering from eating disorders, physical, and or sexual abuse, which entails, educating all women on the nature and dignity of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God.

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” -G.K. Chesterton

16 thoughts on “About the Founder

  1. Maura,
    You inspire me with your honesty, courage, and passion for ministering to those who are suffering. I know wonderful works will come from MIHI, and I placed both you and the foundation in the Book of Intentions at the parish I go to on University of Delaware’s campus today so that you have the entire congregation’s worth of prayers behind you as you begin this journey. Please keep sharing, fighting, and loving!
    Thanks for all you do,

  2. Pingback: A Victim Becomes a Survivor and Healer | Christopher Closeup

  3. I heard you on EWTN this morning and wanted to check out your site/blog. What a great and needed ministry. I will continue to check out your progress and help anyway that I can. Keep up the great work. God Bless

  4. I just heard you on the Theresa Tommio radio show. I’m an art therapist and I wokred for 9 years at a Christian treament Center for eating disorders. Unfortunetly, the center is no longer Christian and the numbers have dropped.

    I’m also Cathlic and I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to open up this Catholic Center for women….it is SO needed! If I can be of any help form my experinece, please let me know. God bless your efforts.

  5. I heard you speak with Theresa on Catholic Radio. I think there is a good eating disorder program at Catholic hospital, Alexian Brothers in Hoffman Estates,IL. You may want to check out their programs to help develop your dream facility. Best wishes and prayers, Mary

  6. Only just found out about your site and am incredibly amazed and inspired! Thank you for YOUR gift to the world, your courage and faith. What a treasure! I look forward to reading more from you

  7. Great site. I pray Marian feminism is spread throughout all homes and societies. FYI: “Dressing With Dignity” should be a good read. I pray Mary and the child saints, including Saints Maria Goretti and Dymphna, guide and protect our children.

  8. I do a good amount of grief counseling for women in my work as a diocesan priest. Your website was suggested to me and I am happy to suggest it to others. Thanks for such a good, personal resource; it is a fine witness. Keep up the good work.

    As an aside, as I have read some of your blog, I keep thinking of a popular quote–from Maya Angelou, I believe– that says, “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” I think that you are on to the same idea.

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