Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                       

CONTACT: Amber Dolle April 30, 2012                                                                                          325-513-5857 /

Catholic organization to focus on healing of the body, mind, and spirit for victims of abuse and eating disorders

NASHVILLE, TN – Born out of a desire to reach those scarred by eating disorders, physical abuse and sexual abuse, Made in His Image takes a truly holistic approach in helping women turn from victim to survivor. What sets this ministry apart from other treatment options is the focus on the total health of the individual: physical, emotional and spiritual. “We have a passion to educate others about the nature and dignity of the human person,” said Maura Byrne, president and founder of Made in His Image. “When a victim can start to understand that she is made in the image and likeness of God, authentic healing can begin.”

A former Catholic missionary on college campuses, Maura Byrne felt a strong desire to form a ministry that would provide a safe and compassionate setting for victims, and foster hope and healing for the future. After much prayer, she left her job as a baker and pastry chef in 2011 and officially launched Made in His Image (MIHI).

“The statistics on abuse and eating disorders are staggering,” said Byrne. “One in three women will report being physically or sexually abused by a boyfriend or husband at some point during her life, and over seven million American females suffer from eating disorders. These women need to be empowered to regain their lives, and to accept the healing that our Lord offers.”

While the organization is still in its infancy, the overall goal of MIHI is to build the first Catholic, inpatient medical center focused on helping females recover from abuse and eating disorders. Through the work of medical professionals and Catholic therapists, patients will be treated in a holistic method, focusing on body, mind and spirit. They will be educated on their dignity and worth as daughters of God, and will be led to one of the most essential components of healing – forgiveness. While actively spreading the word and raising funds to build the MIHI center, Byrne currently reaches those interested through an informative, yet personal blog in which she covers topics ranging from eating disorders and abuse, to the negative effects of pornography, to modesty and the feminine genius. She also has a Catholic counselor on staff available to assist those in need of immediate assistance.

“We aim to reach those victims who feel that they have nowhere else to turn,” said Byrne. “Women who have been hurt need to know that they are not to blame. Once they grasp this truth they can begin to rest in God’s healing hands.”

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