MIHI is exceedingly excited to announce that we have moved over to our new website. We got to many hits on our blog to remain a blog (a great problem to have, I assure you)! I am so in love with the new site. Thank you so much to all who have given financially to make this possible. I am so incredibly grateful! Our regular blogging will resume tomorrow. All the glory to God!


Thanks for all of the love and support,

Maura Byrne

Founder & President

So does that mean rape and an ice cream are okay?

Along with every other American last week, I watched the second Presidential debate. Afterwards, I posted a status on Made in His Image’s facebook wall that produced countless emails of disgust and support. I posted about President Obama’s comment in regards to Planned Parenthood offering mammograms to women. To which I replied, (and I paraphrase because I’m flying back to Nashville and don’t want to spend $9.95 for internet access to check the exact wording), Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms they just kill innocent babies.

Being the president of a non-profit organization, I learned early on not to take people’s comments personally, especially when countless people are trying to offer me advice on how to run the organization. One reader did make a comment saying that I shouldn’t bring the election into the realm of inspiration that Made in His image offers. I felt compelled to respond because I vehemently oppose that statement.

Everyday Made in His Image advocates for women who have been physically and sexually assaulted. In short, women that have been violated and who are exceedingly vulnerable. I have given everything to this mission, sometimes living month to month not knowing how I am going to pay my rent, car insurance, etc. I do it because I know God has called me to this beautiful task, even though at times it’s exceedingly scary and uncertain.

If Made in His Image is going to protect victims and survivors of physical and sexual assault then shouldn’t we also be a voice for the most vulnerable human beings on earth – the unborn? We would be contradicting ourselves if we didn’t. I’d give my last drop of blood for an unborn child and Made in His Image joyfully and strongly supports the right to life from conception until nature death.

I am aware that Planned Parenthood doesn’t just do abortions and I’m sure some of their “other” services have helped women in financial need. But because they do abortions we can not support them. The evil of murdering a human life outweighs any other “good” they are doing. According to the FBI, murder is the highest level of crime, with rape second to it. What if a young girl was raped and then taken to ice cream by the same person. Don’t you think the evil outweighs the “good” deed here? The same is true with Planned Parenthood. You can’t kill a child and offer counseling services, etc and claim to do “good” deeds. That my friends, is seer hypocrisy.

A woman once told me that her baby was the size of a lemon. The sad truth, babies the size of lemons are being aborted daily. People say, Oh they can’t feel anything, referring to the baby. Who are we to say what the baby can or cannot feel. Have you ever cut your finger peeling potatoes or slicing vegetables? Did you feel it? Of course you did. Well, your finger is smaller than the size of a lemon.

Paul Ryan brilliantly stated in the Vice Presidential debate that yes he is Catholic, but he doesn’t necessarily believe in the right to life from conception until natural death because of his Catholic faith. He said he believes that the unborn are alive due to science. I thought his philosophy was beautifully stated.

In reality you should base your vote this election on one principle alone – which candidate believes in the unprecedented sacredness of human life. Because after all, if a child isn’t given a fighting chance to live, then who the heck cares about tax cuts, budgets, gun control, etc. Because if aborted, he or she wouldn’t even be alive to pay taxes in the first place.