What People Are Saying About MIHI

* I listened to one of your live talks and it changed my life. Your passion is inspiring. I never knew going to therapy was okay, before you told me. Thank you for what you’ve done for me. Made in His Image is an amazing ministry, it saved my life.

* I hadn’t eaten in weeks. Then I read your blog and it gave me the resolve to fight again. Thank you.

* You are so inspirational to girls. I sent my mom and best friends the link to your blog because it was such a good depiction of what a woman of God should be like.

* I am a student at JMU and I attended your talk last night! I was so inspired by everything you said. I am a psychology major and wanted to just sign up to help you as you were talking about everything you wanted to do. And your story is so beautiful and touching, I cried after hearing it.

* I wanted to thank you for coming to speak to the women of JMU the other night. I felt like so many of the words you said were speaking directly to me. I’ve suffered from an eating disorder since I was 12 years old, and have been working hard on my recovery. Your words really spoke to me and I wanted you to know how much I appreciated you taking the time to speak to us about being a daughter of the Father. I’ve been going through a relationship where I wasn’t able to see my true worth because the guy I was with didn’t see me as worth anything. I am praying constantly, and I feel like God truly answered my prayers by allowing me to be at your presentation that night, when I was struggling the most. Thank you so much for your words of inspiration and all that you are doing for all of the daughters of God who are struggling to see the truth.

* Hi Maura, I listened to you speak at JMU and your testimony really touched me and spoke to me. Hearing your testimony really made me think a lot.

* I loved your post on I fight him with love. You can just help me by your prayers… and continuing your blog… and by making Made In His Image a reality. You have no idea how much your blog helps me. The fact that you write with knowing that God is there to infinitely love and help you, and sharing how He impacts your life is so comforting. Because I know it too, and it just reaffirms that I’m not alone in this. And sharing your struggle gives hope, and brings in to focus and reality what I and others can hope and pray and work for as well.

* I just wanted to tell you how amazing the work you are doing is, and how proud I am of you. The work you are doing is so important, and so necessary, and I believe God is glorified by all His beautiful daughters you will help Him heal…surely every one of them is held closely in his heart. My mom and I have been following your work via Facebook for months, and we are so proud of you. Both of us struggled at some point with disordered eating, as I believe so many women do, and when you’re in it, its such a dark place to be. Thank you for your work and your love and hope you are sharing with so many.

* I came across your blog via facebook news feed. I’m at work now and have plenty to do, but I couldn’t stop reading. You are so honest and real and there’s so much hope in the way you write. I’m so happy to have found it. I’m amazed at what you’re doing. Your posts bring me a lot of comfort and hope. I’ve been struggling lately with so much and my struggles feel so meaningless sometimes because they stem from weaknesses within myself that I can’t seem to get past… but today is the Triumph of the Cross…and its so perfect that I found your blog today. I’ll pray for you today. Thanks for everything you’re doing!

* A few days I came across your blog so I decided, as with all blogs of people I vaguely knew, that I’d read an article or two to see if they have anything interesting to say, and then ignore it forever. By luck or Providence, I first read a very moving Wednesday Inspiration meditating on the writings of Flannery OConnor. I was struck by the depths of your understanding and devotion to the Lord. I was inspired to read another, and another.

Before I knew it I’d spent Saturday morning reading pretty much your entire blogroll. I have to say, I’m impressed. Your writings marry an uncanny understanding of the workings of the Lord with an eloquence that I rarely see outside of professional theological writings. In short, you give people a lot to think about but make your articles quite fun to read. There were quite a few times where I had to stop and meditate on some aspect or commentary you provided. Not the texts you provided (although they were also good), but on your own thoughts regarding these writings. You have a great gift for spiritual analysis and writing, and you should be proud of that.

* I just wanted to drop a note saying I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! What you write is so true and I can tell that it is from the heart, not forced or faked. I hope everything is going well with your non-profit. Keep up the inspiring work! God Bless!

* I just read your blog. I really appreciate what you are doing.

* Your blog gives me the courage to want to fight again for healing and freedom. Thank you.

* I think Made in His Image is amazing!

* I think your blog and non-profit are wonderful! Sometimes women inquire about the topics you address and now I have a wonderful resource to send them too. May God Bless you!

* This is random, but I was just reading your (amazingly beautiful) blog and thinking, WOW! Maura is such a woman of God that I am blessed to know her! Just wanted to send you a little encouraging note that I think what you are doing is unbelievable and you inspire me so much. The moment I interviewed you for FOCUS I wish impressed with the depth of your faith and commitment to Christ. Some of the words you said then have stuck with me this whole time. Keep pressing onward and don’t be discouraged in your mission! It seems like you are already making a difference in so many girls’ lives. And if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know. Grace and Love!

* I saw your page on facebook which led me to your website/blog, and I just want to say I think it’s SUPER awesome what the Lord is calling you to! I also am extremely passionate about girls finding their worth in Christ, and eventually hope that He leads me to doing that kind of ministry full time.

* Maura! I just found your amazing blog! Know you’ll already get a few copies sold to me, and I’ll spread them to girlfriends! Congrats on your amazing blessings and keep up the great work!

* Your blog shows me the love of the Father.

* Made in His Image is beautiful! I think it is so easy to blame God when difficult things come our way, rather than remembering that it is an opportunity to grow closer to Him and that He would never give us something too big or too hard for us to deal with. We grow every time we use our suffering as a chance to glorify God and draw nearer to Him. Thank you!

* This story is so powerful. “Gold is tested by fire.” and “the most massive characters are seared with scars” These words penetrate with a truth that cannot be ignored…it is easy to run from the battle-so thank you for your witness to a daily fight!! I am so grateful to know you.

* You don’t know me, but I just want to say I LOVE your blog and think your book and non-profit sound amazing! I hope God will bless you and all that you are doing in His name. It’s truly wonderful! May God bless you always!

* Maura, On this feast of Our Lady of the Rosary I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and all that you are doing. At our Newman Center today I am helping to put on an “Our Lady of the Rosary” Celebration, which includes an on-campus procession with Jesus while we pray for our college, followed by a meal and speaker! The rosary is such a beautiful thing and with it being such a well known symbol I believe that it will be drawing souls closer to Our Lord all day through this wonderful prayer! Have a blessed day and thank you for Made in His Image.

* I read some of your blog and I was compelled to write to you expressing my appreciation for your dream. I too have been touched by those who struggle mentally because of my own experiences. I believe that the answer to the world’s problems is mental health, and I have and continue receiving treatment from God through The Eucharist and Reconciliation. It is better than lamictal, zyprexa and any other psychiatric medication out there.

I spent and entire summer externing at Bergen Regional. I worked with adolescents who have mental illnesses and adults who have very acute mental illnesses. It was a wonderful experience, and by the end of the externship, I felt God was calling me to fill in all the missing pieces in the treatment plans of the patients who struggle with psychiatric disease. I see myself pursuing a ministry in aiding those who are mentally unstable. I’m still gaining my credentials so I can be a reliable medical professional in the future, though. So that dream is in the distant future for now

Anyway, I just want you to know that I support your ministry. And I will pray for you, and I hope this becomes a fruitful reality. I am also going as far as saying that if I can work along with you or contribute in any way, i would be happy to.

I am filled with joy when there are others that know The power of God’s grace and the healing it can bring to those who are open to it. And I am also proud to see someone I know believing in Mental health!

* I found your blog today… it’s incredible.

* I run cross country and track as well. I know you were a collegiate athlete… a runner?? It’s incredible to me that you’re starting Made in His Image and getting it off the ground… I’ve been dreaming of a center for eating disorder recovery that is Catholic based… because I want to help girls in this struggle so much. And I love that you’re incorporating sports into it. My faith and running and my desire to reach other girls with this struggle is so important to me.

* Made in His Image is such a light in this world.

* FOCUS posted about your blog I fight Him with love a few days ago and immediately went to check it out and found out about Made In His Image…WOW! Just wanted to say thank you for doing this! I know how many women out there are suffering from eating disorders and addictions etc. I wish I would have had such an incredible place to go to as MIMI seems to going to become, when I was suffering. I’ve heard about Christian treatment centers, but no Catholic ones..So those girls who’ll get the opportunity to go to your treatment facility will be very very lucky.

I’m looking forward to when you’re book comes out so I can buy it. I’ve read parts of your blog and am so curious about hearing your whole story and how you got through this tough time. I wish I had the same strength you had and have as well as the same strong faith. You’re such a blessing! Even to people, like me, who’ve never met you and don’t even know you!  So, once again: Thank you for your hard work!! GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY

* Your blog gives me the courage to want to fight again for freedom. Thank you.

* I’ve been following your blog. Made in His Image is doing great work.

* I can’t describe how grateful I am to be in touch with you. You’re such a blessing. I always read your blog and love it. It’s really helping me! Earlier today, I was in so much pain and something incredible happened: In the midst of my tears I was able to pray! In the midst of all this pain, and I immediately remembered one of your blog posts where you wrote about a therapy session where you were asked to turn your pain into prayer. And that was exactly what I did! It was SO beautiful and gave me such a peace of heart! And on top of that, I went to Adoration for 40 minutes on my own (I’ve never done that before!) and it was amazing. I was alone in the room, just me and Daddy.I’ve grown so much spiritually, every day, since I decided to eat again after those 2 weeks and lay it all down to the Lord. It’s amazing how much He has worked in me! I’ve never felt so much at peace in my life and so purely happy. Like I can’t even describe in words how great it feels. I went to Confession during the first week of Advent for the first time since May! And went once again yesterday. Confession is so awesome! And I think it’s a very important part of my recovery. I really want to make it a regular thing. I’m thinking of going once a week, at least until Christmas!

Yes, there’s still a lot of work I have to do in term of recovering from my eating disorders, self-harm and social anxiety but I’m SO confident that God will heal me. I know He will! And I can’t wait until that day so I can give Him all the glory and who knows, maybe help others like you do?:)

GOD IS SO GOOD! I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy and at peace in my life before, it’s wonderful. I could keep on writing and writing…

Know that you and MIHI are in my prayers!!!!

4 thoughts on “What People Are Saying About MIHI

  1. OK.. I’ve read nearly your entire site… I think you could be an excellent interview for our radio show “The Catholic Business Hour with Dick Lyles”… you are launching a business, a nonprofit, you have been (are?) in catering, you speak and inspire… you have a really unique and beautiful mission… so when you get a chance, if I haven’t called you before you read this, please go to our website and contact me.. Thank you! Keep up your “YES!” -K

  2. Pingback: Maura Byrne, Nicole Kidman, and Twitter: A Story of Initiative, Social Media, and a Celeb Who Cares

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